Our new booking system allows for a no
stress booking experience. You can browse for a time that suits
you no need to call or text. By taking your card details you
never have to remember cash or your card. It will automatically
confirm your appointment via email and will remind you with a
text so you don't forget.
We are happy to now be able to offer Clinical, Rehab,
Cardiac Rehab, GP referral and back pain
management sessions in our private training area.
Clinical /Rehab
1/2 hour
1 month
4 X 1/2 hour sessions
(1 Session a week)
Block of 10 1/2 hour
training sessions
What are the different conditions that
you have been trained to help with?
Rehab, Low Back
Pain, Diabetes, Obesity, Metabolic syndrome
All bookings made require 24 hours notice
of cancellation.
Cancellation within this time requires full
payment for the appointment.
Book Your 15 min consultation to discuss
how we can help you achieve your goals
Review Pilates Therapy for Sciatica
I suffer with severe sciatica from my right side lower
back down to my knee. I have had this for 16 years and have been taking
various pain relief on a weekly sometimes daily basis. I then started
pilates therapy with Luke, to which I can not thank him enough for. I
was unable to perform a simple squat, and my range of movement was very
limited due to the pain I would receive. I can now squat properly, have
a whole range of movement back and have not had any pain relief for my
sciatica for the last month, which after 16 years is the most amazing
feeling in the world. I have seen various different people in the
medical profession, all of which have not made the slight bit of
difference and was heading down the road of having an operation. Luke
came to my rescue, he has helped with the pain and manouverability, he
also explains everything in the most simpliest way possible, making your
"homework excersise" a lot easier. You also know why your doing what
your doing, and why I shall be doing my excersises's for the rest of my
life. He made me feel extremely comfortable and at ease. I can not
recommend him enough, so thank you Luke
Jenny, Hextable
Review Pilates Therapy for Hip & Low Back Pain
I had been experiencing a niggling hip pain for a couple
of years, and it had become something I learned to live with. However,
around June 2017, and almost overnight, this became a very painful and debilitating
condition. I started to experience much sharper pain in my hip, I was
unable to bend forward to even think about attempting to touch my toes,
and sitting for more than 10 mins at work meant I was having to stand
up. At it's worst the pain was causing me to wake up each night in a lot
of discomfort - often forcing me to take pain killers. I was unable to
sleep on either side, and often the only way I could get back to sleep
was to lay on my front.
I had already been seeing a chiropractor when this
condition flared up, but he was making no real attempt to fix this
specific issue. As a result I turned to a Bupa approved physiotherapist.
I visited this physio weekly, sometimes multiple times, for a period of
around 10 weeks - and despite an initial improvement, at the end of the
10 week period I was in no better condition to when I begun, and Bupa no
longer approved further sessions.
I had reached a point where I wondered if I would ever be
rid of the condition, but I was advised by my wife to "go and see Luke".
She had been taking Luke's Pilates classes and she knew he had been
providing Pilates Therapy to many others, all with successful results. I
had nothing to lose at this point.
After the first session or two, I was not convinced that
this treatment would help, as the exercises were so gentle and light.
However, after a couple more weeks I started to see the first signs of
improvement - both in terms of less pain and increased range of motion.
Over the course of the next 6-8 weeks, I had become completely pain
free. I was sleeping through the night, and at no point was I requiring
any form of pain killer. Amazing! At the end of the Pilates Therapy
sessions with Luke, I was once again able to completely bend forward to
touch my toes, and I have even started to see an overall better
flexibility and range of motion in my legs/hips than I had experienced
for a few years.
I would recommend Luke to anyone experiencing any form of
injury or pain. He is a very knowledgeable, warm and friendly therapist,
he makes it completely clear what the plan of action is from the off
and explains all reasoning behind the exercises that he introduces. I
cannot thank him enough for the help he has given me.